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Hurricane and Is there a Choice or..
Following are the answer for the given question
for(int i=1;i<=99;++i) // for loop
cout<<"EXAM"<<endl; // display the word EXAM
In this question we using for loop which is iterating 99 times and print the
word "EXAM " 99 times.
The variable i is initialized by 1 and check the condition if the condition in loop is true it will execute the loop and print "EXAM" .The loop will executed 99 times when the condition in loop is false then loop become terminated.
Following are the program in c++
#include<iostream>// header file
using namespace std;
int main() // main method
for(int i=1;i<=99;++i) // for loop
cout<<"EXAM"<<endl; // display the word EXAM
return 0;