The answer is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or also known
as PTSD. Post-traumatic stress disorder is defined as an anxiety disorder,
which includes <span>disturbing thoughts or fragments of the
stressful occasion, emotional coldness or detachment of being expressive or being
quiet, and physical signs may also include anxiety, such as tenseness, having
trouble in terms of sleeping, and may also have bad temper at times.</span>
b) False
This statement is false one because while making a decision there are numerous factors involved, for example:
Initiator: The person who after processing some information about a product, watching an ad etc, initiates the task of buying it.
Influencer: Person who influence the initiator further processing.
Decider: Person who decides that the particular products should be bought.
Purchaser: Person who actually go to the market and purchase that product.
User: Person who actually use that product.
In above all of the described roles, it could be one single person who perform all the tasks, or it could be 2 to 5 different persons involved and each one performing the separate role. So, there are 5 roles involved in an actual buying process, here family role comes that it is obvious that much roles are involved, any single role can be performed by any of his or her family member, therefore, family influence is there in a purchase decision, somehow or other.
Answer: Positive
Sharda is experiencing positive symptoms of schizophrenia, which makes it difficult for her to differentiate between what is real and what is not real and making her to be delusional. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia includes; hallucinations, delusions, a person slight or fully losing touch with reality.
Hamlet is comparing DEATH to LITTLE SLEEP.
There are six noted types of twelve-step meetings. In "speaker" meetings, one recovering person speaks to the group about his/her addiction and recovery story.
In situations where the open or closed meetings are the mainly utilized, group conscience has assigned the gathering as a speaker meeting. Normally speakers are exchanged between gatherings. These speakers share their "experience, quality and expectation" in relating their landing in a calm life and their pledge to looking after restraint.