Ponyboy wakes up in the church finding a note from Johnny that says he's gone into town to get supplies. When Johnny returns he has a week's supply of baloney and ciggarettes as well as a paperback copy of Gone with the Wind, which he wants Ponyboy to read to him. Over the next week, they hide out in the church reading Gone with the Wind, smoking, and eating sandwiches. While reading Johnny notices that one of the southern gentlemen reminds him of Dally and Ponyboy disagrees. During one of the evenings, Ponyboy recites the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" which Johnny takes to heart. After a couple days, Dally shows up at the church with a note from Sodapop. Dally says that the police approached him and asked questions about the murder. Dally said that the criminals feld to Texas. He then takes Johnny and Ponyboy to Dairy Queen and tells them the news about the warfare that exists between the greasers and the Socs. Dally finishes with the news that there will be rumble between the two groups the next day.