The acme that got married with the tradedian was not for her in this worldshe felt that she wud take here place with a certain digntiy
Everyone receives emails everyday
here is some information that you can learn about the coronavirus if you get it you need to make sure that you contact medical help right away do not go anywhere so that you are not spreading it to nobody else just to keep you safe friends and family make sure you stay inside wash your hands don't touch certain things use wipes for everything of you have them use them
<span>Based on the context of each sentence, choose the word that most closely matches the denotation of the underlined word.
1.The businessman was a parsimonious person, who could not bear to part with even a single dollar.
2.The children obstinately refused to leave the playground.
3.Her resolution to win the contest at any cost could not be swayed.
4.His avaricious nature led him to make many choices in the pursuit of money.
Stubbornness is a synonym for Obstinately
Determination is a synonym for resolution that cannot be swayed
Greediness is a synonym for Avaricious
And Stinginess is a synonym of Parsimonious
it follows a regular rhyme scheme