Healing is the term for addressing the experience of illness, alleviating the infirmities of the sick, and responding to the personal, familial, and social issues surrounding sickness, it is the process whereby a sick individual gradually regains vitality and wholeness.
Far away
The word tele in Greek means far away, at a distance. It has been adopted by the English language to convey something which is happening at a distance.
For example,
Television: Viewing something which is far away
Telephone is the combination of two Greek words tele and phone. Phone means voice in Greek. So, telephone is sending and receiving someone's voice from a far of distance.
Teleconference means having a meeting of a group of people across large distances.
Takings Clause
The takings clause stated that the Government cannot acquire ownership toward a privately held properties without giving the original owner with proper compensation for that properties.
This can be seen in the example above.
The government wanted to acquire land which owned by Bill. If the government want to use its legal power to take it, the takings clause required the government to convert the land to its current market value and provide compensation with that amount as a minimum to the original owner (in this case, Bill)