C) formed a valid contract because Rachel's outward expressions showed the formation of a contract.
A valid contract is a binding and enforceable agreement, where all parties are legally bound to perform the contract.
Probably the most important part of a contract is the existence of an offer and acceptance. Once a valid offer is accepted, it binds the parties into a valid contract.
In this case, Rachel accepted Julius´s offer to buy her boat, so an offer and acceptance exists.
The best answer would be: traditional economy (specifically, it's definitely neither market economy nor command economy - in those economies the family does not necessarily play a role in the chose of roles).
An example of such strict economic roles is ancient India - and the roles are called castes.
B. Target costing forces design engineers to explicitly consider the costs of manufacturing and other aspects of business that traditionally fall outside the engineering department
Target costing needs the design engineers to be active in meeting their customers projection, but it must be inside the target cost requirements. Engineers can not afford to just have their attention on the function and form of design, they must also observe cost under Target costing.
Assuming the same rate that Coca Cola's did in Germany between 1939 and 2008 and the same volume distribution of 2011 cases sales, then hypothetically sales in Germany in 2053 would be 226 bilion cases.
Taking the Coca Cola's worldwide growth the same rate that Coca Cola's grew in Germany between 1939 and 2008, that is 10.26% per, then for the 26.7 billion from today up to the 2053 year we would have:
S = 26.7 billion * (1.1026)^42 = 1614 billion cases
If we use volume distribution of the year 2011, then sales in Germany would be:
SG = 1614 billion cases * 14 % = 226 billion cases
Consumer goods are those goods that are purchased and used by consumers. Consumer goods are not used by manufacturers to produce other goods. In essence, consumer goods are ready for use since they have been taken through the production and manufacturing. For a country to have consumer goods it must trade with other countries either to acquire raw materials or trade in consumer goods. This trade process contributes greatly towards the development of LDC economies into MDC status.