Social media influencing tactics has impacted the way I see social media posts in your daily life in the sense that if influences what posts I see and what posts I interact with.
Some examples of social media influencing tactics include ads, videos, social media influencers and so on.
When for example, and ad pops up on my social network and I click on it, similar ads of different products would appear later on my social network. In this way, my interaction with that ad has brought up similar ads to my attention. Likewise interaction with videos and social media influencers. When i interact with one video or social media influencer, a similar video or social media influencer is brought up to my attention in my feed.
The senders PC is using UDP protocol
UDP is the User Datagram Protocol which is used as an alternative communication protocol to the TCP which is used primarily for establishing low latency and loss of tolerating connections between applications on the internet UDP is normally used by the programs running on different computers on a network. Its purposes is to send short messages which are datagrams. It is not much reliable because of its occasional loss of packet. Due to this packet loss the recipient is not guaranteed that the data being streamed will not get interrupted. This is because If a router on the Internet starts getting overloaded, or a packet gets corrupted due to interference or anything, the packet will be dropped unlike the TCP (Transmission control protocol)which resend the packets and keeps re sending. The UDP does not resend the packets which are dropped. Once they are dropped that all.
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Data use policies
Technically data use policies are not specifically made to protect user privacy, however it also should not violate user privacy. Data use policies are required by law. They are compulsory disclosures that list the various ways in which data in the form of personal data of individuals is collected, shared or used by digital companies(companies that operate on the internet, make use of email lists, etc ) are used.