Nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large molecules
Individual scores on the PSS can range from 0 to 40 with higher scores indicating higher perceived • stress. ► Scores ranging from 0-13 would be considered low stress. ► Scores ranging from 14-26 would be considered moderate stress. ► Scores ranging from 27-40 would be considered high perceived stress.
Going to movies, dances, or other events in a group is a good idea for teenagers because, all of the above.
All of the options listed are positive effects towards the teenagers, which make them safe in the situation. Going out with friends does remove the expectation of sexual activity, can reveal a lot about a person, and allows others to get to know each other.
Answer: Monitor breath sounds
The person fell from 5 feet of height which impacted his chest and armpit area. The person got blunt trauma due to falling from height which might have cause pulmonary contusion, also known as lung contusion, is a lung bruise, caused by damage to the lungs (do not tear or cut lung tissues).
Due to this trauma person is having difficulty in breathing and feeling tenderness. The essential action to take for the person is to monitor breath sounds. Lung ascultation or monitoring is an important part of the respiratory test and helps in the diagnosis of various respiratory disorders. Auscultation tests airflow through the bronchial-trachea branch. To make a correct diagnosis, it is important to differentiate between normal respiratory sounds and abnormal ones, such as wheezes, crackles and pleural rub.
Hence, the correct answer is monitor breath sounds.