There is something wrong with this question.
Check and reword.
The Choices of answers need revision.
Deep inside the core of the sun, protons can collide into eachother with enough speed that they stick together to form a helium nucleus and generate a big amount of energy at the same time.
Definitely belongs to the fungi kingdom!
did you hear the joke about the fungus???
... I could tell you, but it'd take some time to grow on ya!
goodluck my friend, :-)
There are many fish in the world.
but it’s probably not that hard tbh.
For the Numbers on the leg Photo
1. Rectus Femoris
2. Vastus lateralis
3. Tibialis Anterior
4. ADDuctor longus
5. Gracilis
6. Satorius
7. Vastus Medialis
8. Gluteus Medius
9. Gluteus Maximus
10. Semitendinosis
11. Semimembranosus
12. Biceps Femoris
13. Gastrocnemius
Explanation: is correct