Air is essential for almost all organisms.
Mitosis results in two identical daughter cells, whereas meiosis results in four sex cells.
<span>size, small
Gel electorophoresis moves DNA through a matrix that contains molecules which prevent large ones from moving but the smaller ones are able to pass through. This allows molecules to be separated by size.</span>
The acidic environment in the stomach stops the action of the amylase enzyme.
The stomach will secrete digestive juice that contain hydrochloric acid and digestive enzyme such as pepsin to digest protein.
The HCL create an acidic environment that will deform the ionic and hydrogen bond of the amylase which cause the enzyme to be denatured.
The answer is pancreas and intestinal gland. The pancreas mainly secrete amylase, to digest carbohydrates, lipase, to digest fat, and protease, to digest protein. And the intestinal gland mainly secrete carbohydrase, to digest Maltose to glucose, and protease.