<span>Graphic organizers lose their effectiveness if they present too much information</span>
Well valor is a large attribute if you fight a war. But what the new world wants is a way to end the war. so attributes don't matter unless your talking about the medieval era. Cause in todays society we look for ways to end wars weather it be making new weapons that kill faster and seem inhumane we don't care we just want are troops back and alive.
The most powerful earthquake recorded in Japanese history, magnitude 8.9. The tremors were the result of a violent uplift of the sea floor 80 miles off the coast of Sendai, where the Pacific tectonic plate slides beneath the plate Japan<span> sits on. Tens of miles of crust ruptured along the trench where the tectonic plates meet. The earthquake occurred at the relatively shallow depth of 15 miles, meaning much of its energy was released at the seafloor.</span>