Canada has two dominant political parties, namely the Liberal Party of Canada and the Conservative Party of Canada.
Canada is known as 'Full Democracy' with multi party system political set up, where many of its legislative proceeding derive their inspiration from the unwritten conventions and precedents set by the Parliament of Westminster of the United Kingdom.
Though there also exist some smaller parties such as the New Democratic Party, the Green Party of Canada and the Quebec Nationalist Bloc Quebecois, who have their own influence over the political process of the country.
Wake up in the morning at 7 am. Take bath after apply oil on head.Having breakfast together and go to temple. Relatives and friends will come to house. Greet them. Serve them food and drinks. Celebration of Deepavali finished
C is the correct answer under my understanding.
You're seeing somebody specific, with purpose and on a regular basis. ... You're spending time with a person (or persons) in hopes of finding a committed relationship.
Reasons for dating are they need someone to love them, peer pressure, the guy or girl treats the person with kindness and love.