C. increased settlement in the West <span>was a direct result of the growth of the railroad industry.
The development of railroad industry make it easier from people all over the country to travel to the west and open their business there.
It also allowed easier distribution that make it possible for the western frontier to sell their products to all over the country</span>
One of the strategies to reduce uncertainty in online relationship is extractive information seeking. This strategy involves aaking questions that will help you know more about the other party in the relationship. This way, you will get to know more about the other person, therefore, reducing uncertainty.
G-funk, or more widely known as Gangsta-Funk came from West Coast Gangsta rap of hiphop music in 1990s. Lyrics mainly composed of anything related to angst, chaos and women. Though there were lots of debates who made the first introduction on G-Funk, Dr. Dre was considered the father of the music genre.