The government of Turkey and America is very similar. Both countries are republics with a parliamentary democracy, consisting of 3 branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. Both countries' age requirement to vote is 18. However, Turkish citizens have limited freedom of speech. It is a crime to insult the nation and the president. In America, however, citizens can say almost whatever they want, as long as it is not slander or a threat.
No one really knows, but we were apparently created in his image so maybe like us? Hope this helps! =^-^=
Most likely A
Cubans, Greeks, and Italians are the most known for cigars, when you google Did (B,C,D) make cigars? they all ask if you want to try a cigar from that place, however if you google A then you get information on Winston Churchill and his cigar habits
All amendments are important because they all function USA somehow and don't create too many problems throughout the country
Then why would u want to write the quetion when u didnt want too.