Judging by the Berlin factory rules, workers are allowed room for mistakes under the preindustrial work routine. For instance, under the industrial work routine a worker is never allowed to be absent of late else their pay will be deducted, but preindustrial work routines allowed for some exceptions. Furthermore, preindustrial work routines allowed activities like smoking, taking days off, leaving before close of business, and increase eating hour. The mode of punishment when rules were broken were also harsher during the industrial work routine than preindustrial work routine.
Judging by the Berlin factory rules, workers are allowed room for mistakes under the preindustrial work routine. For instance, under the industrial work routine a worker is never allowed to be absent of late else their pay will be deducted, but preindustrial work routines allowed for some exceptions. Furthermore, preindustrial work routines allowed activities like smoking, taking days off, leaving before close of business, and increase eating hour. The mode of punishment when rules were broken were also harsher during the industrial work routine than preindustrial work routine.