ONe large one is that a ruler can not rise to power without a consensus of other people in the government and the public. A dictatorship is nearly impossible with a representative democracy.
A recent college graduate's investment portfolio will differ from someone who is nearing retirement due to the length of time someone who is at the end of their career has had to invest whereas someone who is a recent college graduate hasn't had the time/money to invest.
well most people, including myself, believe that it was our sheer will to fight and win, that secured our victory in the revolutionary war, but it mostly had to do with our victories in battles such as Bunker Hill.
Three reason why the Britain issued the proclamation line 1763
1. They did not want to mess-up with up with their treaties with the native Americans on the other side.
2.They were broke they did not want another war.
3.They did not have enough money to protect Britain if something happens over there<span />
The reason why they were in a zig zag pattern is because they didnt want to make it easier for enemies to kill their people faster. It also prevented people getting shot easier.