Thrust and lift are artificially created forces used to overcome the forces of nature and enable an airplane to fly. Airplane engine and propeller combination is designed to produce thrust to overcome drag.
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B. Create federal laws to punish the hideous act of lynching.
C. More attention to education.
D. Minimum wages for women workers.
Calvin Coolidge was the 30th american president and served from 1923 to 1929, in his first speech to congress he set as his government goals to create federal acts to punish Lynching, which is when a group of people kill someone with premeditation based on racial, economic or religious beliefs, he also wanted to pay more attention to education, and set a minumin wage for women workers because they were being underpaid.
Commander of the Axis forces in North Africa. Although Roosevelt wanted his troops to enter into battle in Europe, Prime Minister Churchill wanted to be more cautious and attack the periphery, or edges, of Germany. ... The leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin, urged Roosevelt to open a second front in Europe.