The cells would become energy starved leading to ischemia and then infarction. This is if one was unable to do anything else to maintain the homeostasis.
You body however is able to utilize several mechabisms, primarily the use of fats and in extreme cases muscle tissue for the use of energy and ATP production through anaerobic metabolisis.
I’ve seen multiple people say perception, although it may be continuity, what do you think?
There are 2 main ways to improve your swimming: reducing drag and increasing propulsion. Focusing on technique during your workouts will help you refine your stroke over time and you'll get faster as a result. To reduce drag, take a look at your body position.
Front Crawl is also known as freestyle, as it is the most used stroke in freestyle events. This is because it is the fastest and most efficient of all the strokes. To perform the front crawl, lie on your tummy in the water.
Weights, a pull buoy, or parachute are all ways to build your strength as you swim. Think of it like running with your arms full of shopping. You're much faster once you've put them down. You can also focus on the speed of your laps.
Its to ensure all patients are trated equally, to minimize mistakes or to keep the facility from getting sued due to negligence.