Right Temporal
Temporal lobes are primarily for auditory perception, receptive components of language, declarative and visual memory, and emotion. Patients with right temporal lobe lesions often lose acuity for nonverbal auditory stimuli (eg, music). Injuries to the left temporal lobe greatly interfere with recognition, memory and language formation.
The right temporal lobe of the brain is directly linked with signs of perception and association between words and things, so the research exposed in the question was able to realize that the solutions that occurred with a sudden flash of perception in the research participants, were accompanied by an explosion of activity in the right temporal lobe of the brain.
Secondary prevention aims to reduce the impact of a disease or injury that has already occurred. This is done by detecting and treating disease or injury as soon as possible to halt or slow its progress, encouraging personal strategies to prevent re injury or recurrence, and implementing programs to return people to their original health and function to prevent long-term problems.
Answer:I expect them to check if the 61 year old is still breathing If the person isn't breathing or is only gasping, they will administer CPR.
Give CPR: Push hard and fast Push down at least two inches at a rate of 100 to 120 pushes a minute in the middle of the chest, allowing the chest to come back up to its original position after every push.
She's probably just getting a check up