My favorite TV Programme is a show about games and wining money called "Family Fued". Its a competition where there are two familys and they try to guess words and get the most points, then at the end they win money. family Fued comes on at 8pm eastern time and you can watch it on different channels. I tend to watch it with my great grandma and we try to play along too.
An acrostic poem is a poem where there is a full word, and for each letter you write a complete sentence explaining a topic similar to youre main word
Listen to their viewpoint and after give feedback on your opinion (respectfully of course)
Answer: be brief to get interest but not narrowed, there is introduction ( first paragraph) and body (as much of paragraphs you wanna write max: 4 to 5) and lastly the conclusion where you make a small summary of the writing
B. she claim that she supports the British