Midwest - Historically, this region was influenced by German and Scandinavian farmers.
Northwest - Environmentalism is emerging as an important factor in this region's culture.
Southwest - The region's heavy Spanish influence attracts many Central and South American Immigrants.
West Coast - Hawaii is sometimes considered part of this cultural region.
The Midwest is a region that has been predominantly settled and influenced by Germanic people groups, mostly engaged in agriculture.
The Norhtwest is a region well know for its progressive views, and one of them, the environmentalism, is becoming an essential part of its culture.
The Southwest is a region where the Spanish-speaking population dominates, so it so no wonder that it is a hotspot destination for the immigrants from the Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas.
The West Coast, despite not being physically connected with the Hawaii Islands, still managed to have a big cultural influence on the people on these islands, so often these islands are included in the West Coast cultural region.
The climate always changes, yes. It’s natural. However, humans have sped it up via things like carbon emissions. One simple example is when you eat a banana and put it in the trash can, when it gets to the landfill it is so trapped it produces methane gas- as do cows.
it was better to peaceful protests because the cops couldnt do as much if they were peacefully protesting but if they were volently protesting it woulf be way worse
One should follow their responsibility because it is very Important for organizing. It is also important like if you are responsible for a person or animal. It can also be important if you are the president so you don’t start another war. And lastly it can be very important so you don’t leave your house unlocked or anything these are just reasons on why you have to be