idk but this is what i know only
he half-life is the amount of time it takes for one-half of an isotope sample to decay into a different element. The half-life of 238U is 4.5 billion years. Other radioactive isotopes decay in a much shorter time. By comparison, the half-life of 14C (carbon 14) is approximately 5,700 years. Radiometric dating has calculated the age of the earth at 215 approximately 4.6 billion years. 1. Which circle in Figure 13-2 represents the amount of the original isotope before decay began?A 2. Assume that Figure 13-2 represents the half-life of 238U. Color in the area of circles B, C, and D that represents the amount of 238U remaining in the rock layer as each half-life passes. 3. If Figure 13-2 represented the half-life of 238U, which circle that you colored would represent a rock layer with the greatest concentration of lead? _A__ 4. Which circle that you colored shows the amount of the original isotope remaining after two half-life periods have expired? 5. IT Figure 13-2 represented the half-life of 14C, how many years would have passea to reach letter D? years 70 um ens ghe ting Fie ni boe nibs D rlt to got no oA teB Lgoc velFIGURE 13-2. Half-Life of a Radioactive Isotope C teob
1:faringe:es un conducto que permite la comunicación entre las fosas nasales (el paso del aire por la nasofaringe a la laringe) y la cavidad bucal
Laringe:es una cavidad formada por cartílagos que presenta una saliente comúnmente llamada "nuez" en la laringe se encuentra las cuerdas vocales que al vibrar con el aire produce la voz
Tráquea:es un conducto de doce centímetros de longitud,situado delante del estó tráquea brinda una vía abierta al aire que entra y sale se los pulmones
I believe the word that you are looking for is "subjective"
-to be influenced by personal opinion or feeling-
- Dalton used creativity to modify Proust's experiment and interpret the results.
- Thomson used creativity to interpret the results of the cathode ray tube experiment.
give me brainlest