a) job enlargement
job enlargement refers to adding challenges and new responsibilities to employees' current jobs.
Everyone generated either one or three associated words to each to be remembered the word.
Long term memory retrieval process is a process that takes place differently. Many things are there that affect the retrieval process of memory. The memory effects by what you get the information past a long time and what information you are getting in the meantime.
Many other variables are there which affects the process of memory retrieval. There are spacing effects and recency effects that affect the pattern of memory retrieval. But the testing effect increases the memory retrieval.
"Depending on where they live, couples can be fined thousands of dollars for having a supernumerary (extra) child without a permit, and reports of forced abortions or sterilization are common. The law also offers longer maternity leave and other benefits to couples that delay childbearing. Those who volunteer to have only one child are awarded a "Certificate of Honor for Single-Child Parents." Since 1979, the law has prevented some 250 million births, saving China from a population explosion the nation would have difficulty accommodating"
try what they said,it should be rightΔuΔ