I usually soak it in hot/warm water for about 30 minutes and then just use a washcloth or something to try and get it out a little at a time and if that doesn't work I soak it in hot soapy water and try it that way. I think the soapy water would do better for you. It usually works for me.
I hope this helps in some way.
Send a picture and I will finger out as soon as possible thank u very much for patients
haaa tabiki anlatırım ben kendim korku filmiyimo
C, apply your work meaningfully and to your intended audience when creating it.
Beginning, worst
(personally I like having the order 13542, 1 being best, 5 being worst, so your impression is good and you leave off with a good impression as well instead of a sour/underwhelming work
Leave a portfolio for the interviewer to review
B if it’s a general portfolio