About 750 billion,
$210 billion in unnecessary services and $190 billion in excess admin cost, $130 billion in inefficient delivery care $150 billion in inflated prices, and $75 billion in fraud and $55 billion in inflated prices.
C, none of the choices
from the qeustion, it can be seen that Uri was offered a test ride of the car but he clearly refused. For him to have bought that car without a test drive and later realise the car has a faulty suspenion, he cannot rescind the contract on any of the bases because if he had agreed to the test drive, he would have found out about the faukty suspension and woudn't have bought that car.
It is clearly Uri's fault that he ended up with a car that has a faulty susppension. this isn't a case of fraud or mistake on the part of Stan, neither did Stan unduely influence him to buy the car according to the question.
The skills she is illustrating is kindness and very happy and basically giving the customer a great attitude so that means you have good customer service
Responsibility, organization, and good sportsmanship to name a few.
Yes it does because it helps us to be aware on the things that we should know on how to raise the animals with care.