C.) Cash budget.
As the name sounds is exactly what it directly entail; as it explains the direct input and output flow pattern of cash in a said organisation or firm. And in most cases, it is seen to access these funds and their usage pattern.
In this case, it can know and give heads up on when their is cash shortage or when a form does not have enough liquidity funds to run it. That is why here, direct and labour budgets are parts of what makes up the cash budget.
Opportunity cost is the cost of the next best option forgone hen one alternative is chosen over another alternative.
By choosing to produce one more motorcycle, the countries would be giving up the opportunity to produce one more unit of lawn mowers
Yekutia's opportunity cost in the production of motor cycle = 570 / 320 = 1.781250
Bezanitia's opportunity cost in the production of motor cycle = 410 / 230 = 1.782609
The production exhibit both scope economics and scale economics. They are not mutually exclusive.
Looking at the scenario critically, we will clearly see the tendency of a scope economics. Scope economics basically hinges on getting a competitive advantage, essentially because of producing in large quantities and numbers. Riverside Ranger logo T-shirts exhibits this as it produce its products in large numbers, producing 1000 pieces of a particular design in 1 hour.
In same breath, we also have the scale economics exhibited by the organization. Taking a deeper look at the cost representation, we will see that the average cost tend to reduce as the production increases. Thus, an economic of scale is achieved here by leveraging on the mass and swift production style of Riverside Rangers logo T-shirts.
Cost allocation
Cost allocation means the process where the identification, aggregation, and the allocating of the cost is made to the various cost objects. It plays an important role as the cost i.e. incurred for generating a particular product or rendering a service would be determined
So if the manufacturing overhead cost assigned and the other indirect cost so this we called cost allocation
The expected return on this portfolio will be given by:
Rf=Risk Free interest rate
Rm=Return on the market portfolio
β= Market Beta
The return on our portfolio will be: