there can be multiple reaskns skme may be:
poor workjng conditons
minimum wage
It is housed in a museum in France
The original Bayeux Tapestry is being held in the museum in Normandy, France, although that soon will be exhibited in a u museum in Britain.
Tapestry or Canvas from Bay, embroidered canvas 50 cm wide and 70 meters long, depicting scenes from the Battle of Hastings 1066, in Latin inscriptions. Currently, the canvas is on display at the Queen Matilda Special Museum in Baja, France, protected from possible damage from light and air.
Answer: 3. Ideological divisions
In the late nineteenth century, people were basically divided among the two strongest contending parties which are the Democratic and Republican parties.
The masses were strongly involved in the political affairs leading to large voters turnout. Some political analysts attribute the passion with which people supported their political affiliations to cultural inclinations.
Bourbon Spain, British empire, and kingdom of Portugal