Imperial leaders model of trade was mainly based on mercantilism principles.
Trade was heavily skewed against the conquered lands. Finished goods were exported to the colonies while it is only raw materials that the colonies would export to the colonial master.
Materials that come straight from the source. They aren't created or altered in any way. They are used as is.
<span>As part of Stalin's Five-Year Plan, the government set up a Command economy, in which the government owned all industries, setting quotas favoring heavy industry over production of consumer goods</span>
Reason 1: Orleans is located in the Gulf of Mexico and is below sea level, where it is very vulnerable to hurricanes and other storms Reason 2: The levees, which keep water from flooding the city, were built to withstand a category 3 hurricane, but Katrina was a category 5 hurricane. Reason 3: The pumps in the levees had been damaged and earth walls stopped the water from draining out of the city.