A peaceful approach
The NAACP took peaceful means of protest over violent ways. This included protest rallies, marches and sit-ins. One of the most famous sit-ins were the Greensborough sit-ins, which sparked an increase of sit-in protests.
By June 1940 Hitler had pushed allied forces out from France. Hitler had never conquered Great Britain. He also had already succeeded in conquering the Netherlands and Norway. Lastly the U.S. wouldn’t join the war for another year. So the answer is Hitler had pushed allied forces out of France by June 1940.
Answer: The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a huge catalyst in sending the nation to the Civil War. This act reversed the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery in the remainder of the original areas of the Louisiana Purchase. The balance of power shifted in the government and across the land.
The Athen's was the main governing body and they made the decisions including voting on laws, deciding whether to go to war, and determining foreign policy.
Adult men
Most of the slaves taken to the New World were adult men since they were viewed as more capable to perform the required labor. On top of that, a considerable number of adult male slaves died due to the rough conditions or during slave raids, which led to a greater need to capture adult men. This scenario caused a major imbalance in the male to female ratio in West Africa.