The surface area to volume ratio of the cell decreases.
This decrease is due to the fact that the volume of the cell increases at a greater rate than the surface surrounding the cell, the cell membrane, increases. This change is also visible when we are blowing up a balloon.
When considering the cell division, the ratio remains roughly the same. It is advantageous for the cell to preserve its surface area to volume ratio, since a higher ratio means that substances are able to diffuse into and out of the cell at a fairly higher rate.
The transition directly from a solid to a gas
If an IV has 4% salt, and the patient's cells have 6% salt are the patient's cells
hypotonic, isotonic or hypertonic compared to the IV? Will the cell swell, shrink,
or stay the same? Will the cell gain water, lose water, or no net gain or loss of
Answer is whole-gene or whole-genome.
Genetic variation explains that, no matter how related or identical some organisms might be, there is a or some characters that make them different from one another. These difference is referred to as variation.
Furthermore, whole-gene means the coding and non-coding regions of the DNA>
There are some activities or occurrences that cause genetic variation, these are gene flow, mutation and sexual reproduction.
Examples of genetic variation are color of the eyes, modification of leaf and blood type among others.