Mineral composition, Soil pH, and Soil Texture
D-walls and doors would represent the cell membrane
Hyrdrogen bonds!
Trust me! Try it. You'll see.
The sand castle was gone because the sun was on it so the sand castle disappeared, also the waves of the ocean could of washed it away too.
The sun was on the sand castle and it caused it to disapper, also the waves of the ocean could of washed it away.
Hope this helps :)
An elliptical galaxy is figureless, bright galaxy that is elliptical in shape. A globular cluster is spherical constellation of stars that acts like a satellite orbiting a galaxies core.Answer A collection of from two to several hundred galaxies which are much more densely distributed than the average density of galaxies in space.well the main difference is that in a paralell system there is multipe computing units (cpu) working in one node(they share memory ,attached devices ,storage...) to accomplish a computing goal in a clustered there is multiple nodes each has its own resources running its own copy of os (susually connected via lan) to accomplish a computing goal.A constellation is a pattern of several stars that make a picture. A galaxy is a huge mass of billions of stars, dust and gas that is gravitationally.A galaxy is a massive group of stars and other elements, such as gases and dust, that are part of one system. Think of our solar system, but on a much more massive scale. Having said that all the stars in a constellation are far from each other, the stars we see are all part of the one galaxy, the Milky Way. We are all bound by gravity. Our solar system and the many of the stars that we see are on the edge of the Milky Way. If you are in an area that is free from light pollution, on a clear night you can see a long dusty looking stream in the sky that is part of the more populated part of the <span>Milky Way. hope that helped</span>