To convert fractions into decimals simply divide the numerator (5) by the denominator (8). If you type in "5/8" into a calculator you will receive a compute of 0.625 which you can round to .6
A) About $195.00
Step-by-step explanation:
In a normal distribution, the interval (mean - 3*standard deviation, mean + 3*standard deviation) account for about 99.7% of the values. In this case mean + 3*standard deviation = $87.00 + 3*$36.00 = $195.00. So, it 's expected that this amount of money would be the largest individual customer bill.
No, all linear pairs are supplementary but all supplementary angles are not linear pairs.
When you multiply exponential expressions that have the same base, you simply add the exponents. This is true for both numbers and variables. When you include other numbers in the multiplication, you simply factor and break the expression into several multiplications.
2^5 * 2^x= 2^(5 + X)