Assimilation is a process that incorporates new information into old information. This is the concept that has been developed by Jean Piaget who was a Swiss psychologist. Piaget was famous for his theory of cognitive development in children.
For example, if a child sees a dog that belongs to their home consider a dog. He will start to see another canine as a dog. He assimilates his new information about dogs with his old information about dogs. Schema plays a vital role in the assimilation of the information.
So that when Tim see a vehicle consider other transport as a vehicle such as buses, airplane, motorcycle, etc.
Accommodation: In psychology, the term accommodation is one of the parts of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
According to Jean Piaget, accommodation is described as a process in which an individual changes or modifies his or her pre-existing schemas when he or she encounters new experiences or information. Instead of making the pre-existing schema fit in with new experience or information an individual tends to change or alter the schema to accommodate the new experience or information.
In the question above, the change is an example of accommodation.