Change percent to decimal which is 0.35 and multiply it by 550 to get 192.5 which is the amount taken off from the original price. So the total price after the discount is 357.5$
[ Answer ]
[ Explanation ]
The GCF is the greatest number that goes into two numbers. 14 is the greatest number that goes into both 42 and 56 evenly.
<> Arsenal <>
Answer: Interval = [103,∞)
Explanation :
A medicine become ineffective if its temperature ever reaches 103 degrees Fahrenheit or more .
So, Interval becomes [103,∞)
i.e. semi-open or semi-closed interval as it includes 
So, we used closed brackets i.e. square brackets and
For '∞' we always use open brackets only.
I need to know the radius or diameter.
Step-by-step explanation:
- f(x + 5) = |x + 5|, represents the requested change of 5 units to the left,
- f(x) - 4 = |x| - 4, represents the requested change of 4 units down.
Step-by-step explanation:
The following rules will permit you to predict the equation of a new function after applying changes, especifically translations, that shift the graph of the parent function in the vertical direction (upward or downward) and in the horizontal direction (left or right).
- <u>Horizontal shifts:</u>
Let the parent function be f(x) and k a positive parameter, then f (x + k) represents a horizontal shift of k units to the left, and f (x - k) represents a horizontal shift k units to the right.
Let, again, the parent function be f(x) and, now, h a positive parameter, then f(x) + h represents a vertical shift of h units to upward, and f(x - h) represents a vertical shift of h units downward.
- <u>Combining the two previous rules</u>, you get that f (x + k) + h, represents a vertical shift h units upward if h is positive (h units downward if h is negative), and a horizontal shift k units to the left if k is positive (k units to the right if k negative)
Hence, since the parent function is f(x) = |x|
- f(x + 5) = |x + 5|, represents the requested change of 5 units to the left,
- f(x) - 4 = |x| - 4, represents the requested change of 4 units down.
- f(x + 5) - 4 = |x + 5| - 4, represents a combined shift 5 units to the left and 4 units down.