Post-synaptic neurons after receiving correct ligands called as neurotransmitter in correct amount generates action potential. This action potential may be inhibitory or accelatory.
Postsynaptic neuron
These are the neurons that is present after the gap called synapse. These neurons after receiving correct ligands called as neurotransmitter in correct amount generates action potential. This action potential may be inhibitory or accelatory.
There are number of neurotransmitter. These includes
GABA ergic: This neurotransmitter is often inhibitory.
glutamatergic: This neurotransmitter is often excitatory.
Adrenergic: This neurotransmitter releases norepinephrine.
Cholinergic: This neurotransmitter activates vertebrate neuromuscular junction.
10 different species are shown in the picture
2 different genus groups are classified on this picture
Hope this helps
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A gene contains the genetic instructions for making proteins.
1. codominance Both members of an allelic pair contribute to phenotype producing a mixture of phenotypic traits
2 . Rh factor: An inherited protein found on the surface of the red blood cell membrane
3 . hemophilia: A hereditary condition for bleeding due to the inability to clot properly
4 . holandric gene: A gene located on the Y chromosome in XY species
Codominance occur when a pure breeding White flower crosses with a pure breeding Red flower and gives PINK offspring
Rhesus Factor is an antigen that appears on the surface of red blood cells. it is an important factor to consider during blood transfusion.
Hemophilia is a sex-linked condition where the sufferer is unable to have a blood clot.
Holandric gene can ONLY be passed from males (carriers of XY chromosomes) to their sons