The circulatory system is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood back to the heart. The circulatory system carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide.
That would be beneficial to them because they wouldn't lose as many trees to disease or insects, so they are able to sell more.
That's what I got from it at least.
element Y and Z
Having on valence electron indicates that these elements are on the same column/group of the periodic table. Both these elements will bond with a -1 charge.
An agonist exhibit a positive biological effect similar to the receptor it stimulates. For instance, beta agonists (i.e. Salbutamol) stimulate the beta receptors in the bronchial system therefore leading to bronchodialtion. A competitive antagonist negates the function of the specific receptor by binding to the receptor binding site before the biological ligand. A non-competitive agonist negates the function of the specific receptor by binding to an allosteric site leading to a conformational change of the receptor site.
If an enviornment uses way too much of a resorce and it starts to rapidly decrease it will start to become an nonrenuabla resorce (this is just an idea)