A. Syphilis is a communicable disease. The others are diseases originating from within the body.
Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:
Who said that:
Saint Francis, what a change is here! Is Rosaline, whom thou didst love so dear, So soon forsaken? young men's love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. Jesu Maria, what a deal of brine Hath wash'd thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline! How much salt water thrown away in waste, To season love, that of it doth not taste! The sun not yet thy sighs from heaven clears, Thy old groans ring yet in my ancient ears; Lo, here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit Of an old tear that is not wash'd off yet
Friar Laurence
The excerpt shown in the question above is one of the words of Friar Laurence, a character from "Romeo and Juliet" who was very friendly and adviser to Romeo. Friar is questioning Romeo about the triviality of his passions, because the day before Romeo was suffering from love for Rosaline, but the next day he is in love with Juliet and he no longer remembered who Rosaline was.
"Romeo and Juliet" is a play written by Shakespeare and tells the story of forbidden love of two young people who have enemy families.
I think he mean he doesn't know gastby or gastby forgot about nick
Im not sure
Uncle Carlos believes that the policeman did not kill Khalil for racism, but because he was a drug dealer. Mav, on the other hand, believes that Khalil was a victim of racism, since he was not armed, carrying drugs or weapons at the time he was murdered.
Khalil. a black boy, was killed in a police approach while picking up a hairbrush in his car. The policeman hit Khalil with several shots, and Khalil posed no threat.
Uncle Carlos, a black policeman, does not believe that the policeman was acting out of racism, since Khalil disobeyed him and was a boy who, in fact, was involved in the drug tafico. However, Mav knows that Khalil was not on drugs or weapons at the time and that he suffered abuse of police authority, as well as racism.