It is government regulations and acceptable use policy
Answer:dead man lol roffle
Explanation:Not a gamer moment
To make all wrapped text visibly, do the following to manually adjust the row height:<span>Select the cell or range for which you want to adjust the row height.On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format.<span>Under Cell Size , do one of the following: To automatically adjust the row height, click AutoFit Row Height.</span></span>
see explaination
/* Your solution goes here */
//Impllementation of SwapArrayEnds method
void SwapArrayEnds(int sortArray[],int SORT_ARR_SIZE){
//Declare tempVariable as integer type
int tempVariable;
if(SORT_ARR_SIZE > 1){
tempVariable = sortArray[0];
sortArray[0] = sortArray[SORT_ARR_SIZE-1];
sortArray[SORT_ARR_SIZE-1] = tempVariable;
int main(void) {
const int SORT_ARR_SIZE = 4;
int sortArray[SORT_ARR_SIZE];
int i = 0;
sortArray[0] = 10;
sortArray[1] = 20;
sortArray[2] = 30;
sortArray[3] = 40;
SwapArrayEnds(sortArray, SORT_ARR_SIZE);
for (i = 0; i < SORT_ARR_SIZE; ++i) {
printf("%d ", sortArray[i]);
return 0;
Please go to attachment for the program screenshot and output
def isAnagram(s1, s2):
sortedlist1 = sorted(list1)
sortedlist2 = sorted(list2)
if sortedlist1 == sortedlist2:
print(list1+ " and "+list2+ " are anagram")
print(list1+ " and "+list2+ " are not anagram")
Here is a call to the function isAnagram():
list1 =input("Enter String1 ")
list1 =input("Enter String2 ")
Attached is the run and output for this program