external <span>locus of control is the belief that our outcomes are outside of our control; internal locus of control is the belief that we control our own outcomes.
People that excel in external locus control will tend to be more spiritual are not suited in the decision-making process because they generally could accpet their 'fate'. Meanwhile, people that excel in internal locus control tend to be logical and ambitious with a strong drive to improve themselvess.</span>
U.S. manufacturing, a process that is mechanical, physical, or chemical, is the transformation of raw materials into new products.
The raw materials include commodities or components, and it is the second stage of the supply chain. Manufacturing businesses include plants, factories, and mills, and they make their products with power-driven machines and equipment.
U.S. manufacturing is the largest in the world, producing 18.2% of the world's goods—more than the entire economic output of Canada, Korea, or Mexico.
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B. the ruling class was comprised entirely of Muslims, i believe this is the correct answer, I hope this helps!!
Executive, and judicial<span>, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, respectively.</span>