Your IP address, also known as Internet Protocol
Hmmmmmmmmm, <u>powerpoint</u>?
Looking up the answer on google works but in my experience if you put the whole question onto brainly then look for the one with the best stars and most then the answer will be correct, thats how i have 100% on all my assingments, sorry if this isnt the answer you wanted but it helps
You literally don’t do anything you’re just like dead of sun
Priority Tag is to be mentioned in Sitemaps
Various priority values range from 0.1 to 1.0. The highest priority page has the priority value = 1.0, and the lowest priority page has a value of 0.0, and the priority value varies with the priority of the page. And these values are assigned to the priority tag in the sitemap. The sitemap, in fact, is the XML file through which we can set the priority of a webpage.