Amerigo Vespucci is remembered for several important reasons. He explored the mouth of the Amazon River. He also developed a method for determining longitude. Perhaps Vespucci's most important contribution, however, was his realization that the continent he was exploring was not Asia.
En route he discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean
The correct answer is A. Slavery must not be allowed to spread to western territories. The Free-Soil Party was a political party in the United States from 1848 to 1852. The main opposition was the expansion of slavery on western territories. The Free-Soil Party believed that free men on free land were a superior system comparing it to slavery, because of the economical opportunities and possibilities. This political party was founded in New York after they denied the endorsement of the Wilmot Proviso law during the Democratic convention in that state; this act would have banned slavery on the newly acquired territory during the Mexican-American war.
The main problem that caused separation within the Democratic Party was the fact that during the New York Democratic convention of 1848, the Wilmot Proviso act was not endorsed. This act would ban slavery in territory acquired by the United States from México after the war. For the dislike of many members of a group called Barnburners –which was the name of two opposing ideas in the New York Democratic Party. The main idea separating both groups was slavery and those who opposed it. The Barnburners were the anti-slavery and the Hunkers were those who approved of slavery.
Though this political party had a short life, its impact in the political scenario was bigger. For one, they presented the American people with two Senators and fourteen Representatives on the 31st Congress from 1849-1851. They also ran with the banner ¨Free soil, free speech, free labor and free men.¨ These were the inspirations of the Free-Soil Party, and its main goal was to prevent the spread of slavery onto western territories.
What the answer plz respnd
The Soviet Union had set up official border stations in which you had to cross to get to the other side. Eventually, they had set it up so they're was only one safe way to get to West Berlin, just one border stations. These border stations were quite strict, as they had people trying all sorts of crazy ways to get to West Berlin.
Because its an everyday thing. Its not something new