To convert a mixed number to its lowest form, one needs to change the mixed number into an improper fraction and then reduce this improper fraction to the lowest possible fraction. To do these conversions, one needs to perform a few calculations. One also has to understand the definitions of "mixed number," "improper fraction" and "proper fraction."
A proper fraction is a fraction that has a lower number in the numerator and a higher number in denominator, such as the fraction three-fourths. An improper fraction is the inverse of this, which entails the higher number in numerator and lower number in the denominator, like 5/3. A mixed number is a whole number with a fraction, such as 1 3/4.
To convert the mixed number 1 3/4, one has to multiply the denominator 4 by the whole number 1 that gives 4, add this 4 to the 3 in the numerator to get 7 and place 7 over the denominator to find the improper fraction 7/4. In this case, this is the lowest form for this mixed number. However, if the mixed number is 6 4/6, then this converts to the improper fraction 40/6. One can divide the numerator and denominator of 40/6 by 2 to find that 20/3 is the lowest form for the mixed number 6 4/6.To convert a mixed number to its lowest form, one needs to change the mixed number into an improper fraction and then reduce this improper fraction to the lowest possible fraction. To do these conversions, one needs to perform a few calculations. One also has to understand the definitions of "mixed number," "improper fraction" and "proper fraction."
(5,0) if it’s asking the solution or do you want the equation? Technically the solution would be where the parabola touched the x axis
The door was opened by whom?
Realize that since 2x and 3x - 1 are equal to each other, they are also equal to y. This means that we can craft two equations, y = 2x and y = 3x - 1.
When you want to solve a systems of equations via a graph, you need to plot both equations on a graph and determine the x- and y-value of where the lines intersect. In this case, we would plot both y = 2x and y = 3x - 1. These lines intersect at the point (1, 2).
Since we are trying to find the day the bullfrog will be able to eat the entire population, or x, we are going to use the x-value of our point as our answer. Thus, our answer is 1 day.
Emma was right to say that both packages are close to 2 pounds.
If we round-off the weights of both to the nearest whole number we would get 2 pounds on both. We look at the the difference of both from 2 pounds we get the following:
2.36 - 2.0 = 0.36
2.09 - 2.0 = 0.09
The smaller the difference the closer it is to the base value. So we can say that the closest one is 2.0 pounds is the package that weighs 2.09 pounds.