1, 4 & 6 are likely to be correct
1 When the target group is American adults, who very often have landline telephones and cellphones, it can be argued that including them will be more accurate.
4 This may be true; I can imagine that there are people, socioeconomically different, who don´t have (access to) landline phones.
6. Birthday doesn´t have anything to do with age, as suggested in nr. 5 and nr. 7. Birthyear does. The selection of most recent birthday in a household is a good way of selecting at random.
2, 3 and 8 are statements that don´t have any scientifical reasoning.
Answer: stop takin ppl points ugl ahh
Answer and Explanation:
James-Lange theory: this theory holds that a physical response causes an emotion
You watch the Notebook and cry and then feel sorry
Cannon-Bard theory: this theory holds that we feel emotion and respond physically at the same time
You watch the Notebook and cry and feel sorry at the same time.
Two-Factor Theory: the two-factor theory holds that emotion is felt and a physical response occurs which is labelled based on immediate environment
You watch the Notebook and feel sad and then cry
In order for the student to be able to properly test the hypothesis, it will be needed that certain data is collected first. The student will have to take the most important things in consideration about the creosote bush, like would it be able to survive under shade (much limited sunlight), would it be able to sustain increased amount of moisture (the solar panels will keep some of the moisture below them), but also being exposed under high temperature. The conditions for the creosote bush will change significantly, so these three things will be of crucial importance to be tested, since it is a very specialized plant, and those types of plants usually react very badly on sudden changes.