To multiply whole numbers and fractions, multiply the numerator by the whole number. Example: 1/3×4= 4/3=1 1/3
Least to Greatest: 38%, .4, .5, 5/8
The distance from the outside edge of a circle to its centre is given by its radius. The circumference of a circle is given by 2πr, thus if we know that this is equal to 75 feet and using π = 3.14, we get:
75 = 2*3.14*r
r = 11.942
Thus r = 12 ft (to the nearest foot)

Step-by-step explanation:

The fact that the coefficients are pairwise identical (except for sign) tells you that x^2 -1 is a factor (and x-5 is the other factor). Of course, you recognize x^2-1 as a special form (the difference of squares) that is factored as (x +1)(x -1).
The zeros are x = -1, +1, +5.
A graphing calculator confirms this.