Three binding site
- guanine nucleotide
- guanosine triphosphate
- guanosine diphosphate
These sites are essential in signal transfer, cell growth, cytoskeletal assembly, protein synthesis and membrane vesicles transport.
Well think about it during that time it is freezing cold the water cycle comes up from a sea and makes clouds that will be no effect to it but what happens when you put water in a freezer its cold so the result is its gonna hail
Ozone is formed by the reaction of of nitrous oxides and reactive organic substance catalyzed by sunlight. This is a photochemical reaction provided with ozone forming compounds and sunlight.
Acid rain is defined as nitrous(NO2) and sulfurous (SO2) compounds enter the atmosphere as smog thereby precipitating as acid rain. This is detrimental in the environment as well as in agriculture.
Global warming is precipitated by the burning of fossil fuels that increases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that traps heat, in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is the main principle behind global warming.
Ocean acidification is when excessive carbon dioxide is dissolved in the oceans as carbonic acid thereby increasing the pH of the ocean. Increases in the pH of the ocean can affect the living conditions as well as industrial conditions near it.
Groundwater pollution is defined as contaminating the groundwater with the runoff from industrial agriculture including organic and inorganic wastes as well as infectious and nuclear wastes.
Algae blooms or algal blooms are precipitated by eutrophication or the increase in nutrients in water such as nitrogenous compounds and phosphorus from fertilizers. Eutrophication of water precipitates the abnormally high growth rate of algae.
Ozone layer destruction is associated with CFCs such as Freon and aerosols as these compounds neutralize and destroy ozone. These compounds form free radicals that convert ozone (O3) to oxygen (O2) thereby reducing its capability to protect the earth from UV radiation.
Deforestation is primarily caused by urbanization (cutting down trees to provide empty land in building structures) and industrial farming (converting forests into agricultural lands for farming).
<em>Answers: 1. H, 2. D, 3. E, 4. A, 5. B, 6. C, 7. G, 8. F</em>
Only some antibiotics will stop protein synthesis.
<u>Chromosomes store genetic information. </u>
All the genetic information within the eukaryotic cell is preserved as helical DNA within the nucleus. This DNA is tightly wrapped around histones as chromosomes.
Further Explanation:
DNA sequences contain genes that may have different forms called alleles. The genotype of DNA is transcribed into mRNA and subsequently translated into amino acids that are linked together by rRNA to form proteins that form the phenotype of an organism. Mutations in the DNA sequences affect the corresponding mRNA and therefore the encoded protein
Spontaneous changes that occur within the genome during the cell division process, called mutations. These errors occur as copies of DNA are produced inside the cell; mutations can range from small modifications, called single nucleotide polymorphisms, to large-scale deletions and multi-gene additions.
Learn more about mutations at
Learn more about DNA and RNA at