The alignment of the choices are off but here's the explanation for solving this question below;
Using a $ sign before a column label, keeps the reference to column fixed,
but allows the row reference to change. Generally, putting a dollar sign ($) before a column label or row label puts an absolute reference to that respective column or row while keeping the other changing. For example;
In $C5, "C" is the column reference while "5" is the row reference. Because there is $ sign before C, that column will be fixed and the row will change
Selection stands for the initial assessment of a candidate in an organization before he is offered a job. In includes several steps like the organization details the KSAOs (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and other criteria) required for the job; evaluation of a candidate over those criteria; and making an offer to the selected candidate.
Initial assessment methods stand for the starting ways through a candidate or an applicant is screened and shortlisted by the organization which includes ways like- application blanks, biographical information, and reference and background check. These three initial assessment methods are similar to each other in a way that when an organization starts its selection procedure, it reviews the applications of the candidates who all have applied for the particular position in the organization; after the screening and verification of the application form, the organization checks the biographical information of the candidate which becomes a part of application form; and finally the organization conducts a reference and background check to ensure that the candidate has given complete and true information and has not been involve din criminal or unethical actions in his past.
On the other hand, the differences in the three initial assessment methods- application blanks, biographical information, and reference and background check could be that in application blank, the candidate has to furnish his background and work experience details; while in biographical information, the organization checks and verifies it with the details furnished by the candidate in the application form; and when it comes to reference and background check, the organization performs thorough background check of the candidate before offering job to him. This way the three initial assessment methods are similar and different from each other.
Pretax = 5.61%
After tax = 4.26%
The cost of debt will be the Yield to maturity of the bonds.
91 = present values of the 25 year annuity + present value of the maturity
There is no formula for exact YTM
we can either use excel or calculate by approximation:
In this case we will calcualte the YTM by aprroximation
C= 25 cuopon payment 1,000 x 5% / 2 becayse paymenr are semiannually
F= 1000 the face value is 1,000
P= 910 the present value or market value is 91% of the face value
n= 50 25 year at 2 payment per year
dividend 26.8
divisor 955
YTM 5.6125654%
This will be the pretax cost of debt
then we calculate the after tax cost of debt
pre-tax cost of debt ( 1 - t ) = after-tax
5.61% ( 1 - .24 ) = 4,2636
KTM 350 full-size 450s, the 350 remains the bike for the common man. The KTM 350, along with its blood brother the Husqvarna FC350, appeals to the rank-and-file rider who doesn’t want to deal with 60 horsepower. The 350s have steadily improved over their lifespan and are currently better than ever.