Although all of the options are important factors to determine social movility, I beleive that one amongst them has more impact. Social class at birth makes a significant difference. It is like a stating point in life, some people start with some advantages (like being born in a wealthy and educated family) and other with disadvantages (being born in a poor family with no access to education).
Although race or ethnicity and gender are important too, they can have a stronger or weaker impact depending of your social class. A person that forms part of a minority, for example, african american, will have a very different life depending on the economic situation of the family.
It is true that hard work and education is also needed but, again, social class can lead you to a more familiar and direct contact with them.
Pros: Accessibility, social life, no bills like rent and utilities
Cons: little privacy, limited space, and higher social life could cause lower GPA
Pros: independence, privacy, and more responsibility
Cons: Expensive, need transportation, isolation
Common; dyslexia; dysgraphia; dyscalculia
(1)..The house has more members,
(2). Easier to pass a bill in the house and (3). Majority has more power.
X in the question above refers to the House of Representatives. In the United States of America in which true federalism is being practiced has three arms or branches of government in the central or national Government and they are the Executive arm, the legislative and the Judicial arm. The legislative arm of government has two houses or let me say it has bicameral legislature. The reason for this is to make sure that one does not hold too much power,that is they are both meant to check and balances each other.
In order for a policy or a law to be passed, a bill has to be sent to the President. Both Chambers must agree and check each other in order for it to be passed.
In the house of Representatives, 51% majority vote is needed while the senate need 61 percent therefore, it is easier to pass a bill in the house of representative than the senate.