The thing they had in common was that they were all ports so they could export and import goods on the Atlantic Ocean. Also, they were connected by an extensive road network. They were all located to the north so could ship goods to Canada no problem. </span>
arraign. verb. to order someone to go to a court of law to be formally charged with a crime.
i hope this helps :)
The degrees of comparison escalate as follows:
If you have three sentences as follows:
Henry is short.
David is shorter than Henry.
Thoreau is shortest of the three.
Short is the positive degree, shorter is the comparative degree, and shortest is the superlative degree.
In the sentence "Cheetahs are faster runners than lions" the adjective in question is faster. We know that its degree of comparison is comparative.
A. comparative
B. angered people in other Latin American countries.
The Dollar Diplomacy was Taft's foreign policy plan to remove military intervention in Latin America but remain in economic control.
Dollar Diplomacy promised the removal of American troops however to maintain economic control, the military was often used to intervene. In Nicaragua, the military was used to stage a political coup (overthrow) so bring in a pro-US government. This angered many in Nicaragua as well as surrounding countries. There was fear the US would continue imperial control, manipulating the newly formed governments in Latin America.
The Reconstruction in the south ended with Hayes becoming president because previously the republicans agreed with the democrats in giving him the charge of control. One of the new decisions was the retired of the troops on Louisiana and South Carolina, which caused the loss of protection and rights on the black race.