The nurse should ensure that the prescribed medicine is clear and transparent.
They are necessary for co-ordination.
The both systems brings about co-ordination, thought there are some basic differences between them. Many organs in an animals system have organs to carry out activities like locomotion, digestion, respiration and excretion. The activities of each organ system must be co-ordinated with those of other systems; and with conditions in the external and internal environments of the animal.
Unlike the endocrine system, the nervous system works rapidly. Messages are carried mainly as electric impulses along nerves triggering immediate response from target organs.
The hypothalamus is the important link between these two systems.
Nitrogen. The acronym CHON is an easy was to remember these four biomolecules that make up life. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen are essential for life as we know it. Nitrogen plays a critical role in the construction of proteins and DNA. And Nitrogen is considered essential in the overall process of photosynthesis for the production of chlorophyll in plants.
Systematic error affects the
measurement in a constant way and represents stable factors that affect the
observed score in the same way each time the measurement is made. Systematic
error is a steady, repeatable error joined with faulty measuring equipment or an
imperfect experiment design.