The argument is about people who can hack and take your personal information and that if you increase your cybersecurity, you would be better protected.
The French and the British wanted the Ohio River because that was viewed as the key to controlling the territory between the original colonies and the Mississippi River. Google the terms French and Indian War and Ohio River.
Tax on tea, and the tea was a major source of income to the English India Trading company. They didnt think it was fair, because they wasn`t represented in British Parliament, and didn`t have a say on how the taxes should be done.
Woman's Christian temperance union: their goal was to forbid the consume of alcohol in the U.S and they accomplished the eighteenth amendment.
Settlement house movent: their goal was to have a place in which the lower class citizens could go and find help talking about economically and Education help. They accomplished that the rich and the poor accepted their equality.
Urban reformers: their goal was to have a fair taxation of the railroad, an expansion of the social services that the poor had and corporate property.