Linear search
You implement this algorithm by iterating over each item, and checking if the item matches what you are searching for.
It is linear because it takes a linear amount of time to search for an item.
I think the answers are input, processes, output
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Something like this?
h1 = int(input())
m1 = int(input())
s1 = int(input())
h2 = int(input())
m2 = int(input())
s2 = int(input())
s = h2*3600 + m2*60 + s2 - (h1*3600 + m1*60 + s1)
Following are the code in the C Programming Language.
if(a==0) //set if conditional statement
//print the following message
printf("no solution for a=0");
Here, we define a function and pass three double data type variable i.e., "a", "b", "c" and then we write the following code inside the function.
- Set the if conditional statement and check that condition is the variable "a" is equal to 0.
- Then print message through the "printf()" which display on the screen if the given condition is true.